Digiforms Designer Documentation
Help by samples
Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Edit a document revision
Edit, save, lock and commit
Edit document revision
Checking out document and opening for edit
Right-click the folder tree on the document revision you want to modify.
Normally you would want to edit the last revision, but if you wish to REVERT to earlier revision of a document, you can edit the specific revision, save it - and then commit.
Editing the last revision of a component library
Save document
Updates will be stored in local file
Save your document by clicking Ctrl + S. The folder tree will highlight the modified revision element of the document by UNDERLINING it. No changes has been made at the server, for this you need to check-in your updates.
Lock document
Avoid concurrent updates
Wheh you are satisfied with the document modifications, it is time to update the server. This REQUIRES that the document is locked.
Right-click the document element above the revision, and select [Lock]
The text color of document and revisions will change into BLUE COLOR to indicate that the document is locked by you.
If the document is already locked by another user, the text color of the document and it's revision will be displayed in GREY COLOR. You cannot LOCK the document unless user UNLOCKS it. Depending on the user account you use for connection, you can unlock the document if you have Digiforms_Admin user rights.
Commit changes
Updating server with the modified document
When document is locked, you can update server with the modified document revision.
Right-click the document revision element, and select [Commit]
Commit comment
Documenting the modifications
When you commit a revision, a dialog will appear.
If you have made changes worth documenting, you can add a revision comment ( optional ). All revision comments will be visible, trailing the revision element in the folder tree.
Adding a comment to the uploaded revision