Digiforms Designer Documentation
Help by samples
Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Output static text and values from xml
Display text and data
Use textbox to display static or merged text, inlines and hyperlinks.
Any valid xslt content can be edited in the property dialog. This allows you to combine simple text with any custom xslt logic desired within a textbox.
<xsl:for-each select="article"> <xsl:value-of select="id"/> </xsl:for-each>
Field label / Accessibility
Label-for ( WCAG )
When creating web-forms, all input controls should have a clear semantic meaning to allow navigating and filling-in for visually impaired users. WCAG suggests this is solved by assigning a label to all input controls.
Assign textbox as a label for any input control, by selecting desried form control, AND the textbox to be used as label. Right-click selection, and choose [Form] and [Assign label] Digiforms Designer automatically binds the two to support the WCAG suggestion.
Ouput custom HTML markup
Combine XSLT with HTML
When Digiforms Server renders a document for WEB, it will automatically recognize HTML markup and allow you to combine the power of XSLT with HTML, Javascipt and CSS. This gives endless options on outputting HTML markup in any way desried.
<span class="{@class}"> <xsl:value-of select="content"/> </span>
combining xslt and html
Read more in following related topics
fo:basic-link element
Adding specific page breaks in output