Digiforms Designer Documentation
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Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Preferences, Grid
Snap, gridlines and style
You may produce a professional layout by using the grid option, which will automatically help align objects along a set of vertical and horizontal lines. Using gridlines helps speeding up the design process, and ensures visual consistency between related pages.
Configuring the grid
Grid color and style
The grid color and style is configurable to ensure visibilty with any palette of the designed document. Change the grid color by clicking the color box, and select desired color from the palette rollout. Select the desired line-style from the grid style drop-down.
Grid layout
In the preferences dialog box you may manipulate the grid layout settings. Please note the existing position of objects will not be changed when Snap to grid is checked. The X-axis and the Y-axis indicate the millimeter size and accuracy of the grid layout (e.g. X-axis = 1mm and Y-axis = 1mm, creates a grid layout consisting of 1,00 mm x 1,00 mm grids.) When selecting object position alignment in the page template view panel, the selected elements will be aligned according to the grid layout definition.
Snap to grid
Snap coordinates to the selected grid when drawing, moving or scaling objects. A useful tool for automatically placing your object to the nearest X and Y coordinates and helps creating an accurate design layout.
Show grid
Display grid layout in page template edit panel, you can override the default color for pages that have conflicting color.