Digiforms Designer Documentation
Help by samples
Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Keyboard shortcuts
Arrow keys
Navigate template objects
  • Left
    Select preceeding element in model.If no object currently selected, the last object in region will be selected.
  • Right
    Select following element in model.If no object currently selected, the first object in region will be selected.
  • Up
    Select parent or preceeding element in model.
    Example: Pressing key up when a table cell is selected will select the parent row,
  • Down
    Select first child element or following element in model.
    Example: Pressing key down when a table cell is selected will select the next cell or row.
Ctrl + Arrow keys
Move objects
  • Flow position
    Alters space-before and start-indent to position selected objects
  • Absolute position
    Move selected objects ( according to grid if enabled )
Shift + Arrow keys
Scale objects
  • Flow position
    Scales selected objects unless they have no defined size
  • Absolute position
    Scales selected objects ( according to grid if enabled )
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys
Rearrange z-order of objects
  • Ctrl + Shift + Left
    Send selected object(s) backwards
  • Right
    Bring selected object(s) forward
You can re-arrange order of any object this way: -altering z-order of absolute positioned elements -moving a a selected table row up or down in table disposition -rearrange sequence of textboxes in a flow layout -shift sequence of xsl:when elements
Enter key
Alter properties of selected Object(s) or template
  • No Objects selected
    Pressing enter will bring up current editing template's properties.
  • Selected object(s)
    If all objects same type, a property dialog will open allowing setting values for all objects.
Ctrl + K
Open preferences