Digiforms Designer Documentation
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Page template
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Extensible Markup Language
Form controls
Field validation
Data validation, ensuring that data inserted into Digiforms application satisfies defined formats and other input criteria
Adding validation to form fields
All form controls in Digiforms can be defined to validate user input. Several options allow for defining data format validation, field required and comparation of field values in different fields.
Editing the field validation properties
Validation message
For any of the defined validation types, a validation message must be defined for the rule. This message will be presented to the user if the field fails to meet the defined validation rules.
Field required
Mandatory fields, if the option is checked on a field - Digiforms Server will enforce user to input data in the field.
Validation type
Predefined validation types
A set of predefined validation types can be selected
No specific pattern is used to validate input, but it allows for setting field as reuired, and a validation message accordingly.
Use to limit input length to match defined minimum and maximum input characters.
Use to ensure that user input is an integer value. The min and max value can be used to define upper and lower bounds for integer value
Use to ensure that user input is a decimal value. Please note that the decimal separator will be the '.' character as defined in W3C specification. Example: 100.5. The min and max value can be used to define upper and lower bounds for the decimal value
Use to ensure that user input is a valid email address format. Please note that there is no way to ensure that the email address is an actual email, validation will check that user input meets the W3C specifications on a valid email address format only.
Use to ensure that user input is a valid phone number format. The minlength and maxlength can be used to define minimum and maximum input characters.
Use to ensure that user input is a valid date, according to the format selected, and within the minValue and maxValue (timespan)
Checking date in correct format and within a defined timespan
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