Digiforms Designer Documentation
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Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Digiforms Designer
XSL-FO editor
Digiforms Document Designer is a graphical tool used to design and maintain document templates for XML Publishing and XML Data Capture. It creates program code and xsl-fo markup 'behind the scenes' in a graphical environment, all based on the W3C XSL-FO standard. XSL-FO is a combination of W3C standards to aid publishing or transforming xml-based information.
Works with any XSL-FO compliant PDF renderer.
Generate PDF documents based on information from XML
The designed document templates can be used for automated PDF-production using any XSL-FO compliant PDF renderer.
Develop for WEB
Digiforms Server Web-Application framework
Document templates can be used for web-based data capture, mail distribution and document production utilizing the DIGIFORMS Server. This allows for creating anything, from simple web-forms, wizards to complex web-Applications and portals. Combine built-in functions with new or existing business logic to build and tailor any solution.
What is Digiforms Solution
XML-driven Documents, Forms and Web applications
Digiforms Solution consists of two products, Digiforms Document Designer for Windows, and the JAVAEE Digiforms Server. With Digiforms Designer you can create templates for XML-driven reports, document-automation, mail distribution and browser-based user interfaces. Build, test, re-use and migrate sophisticated web-forms or portals utilizing the built-in revision based Digiforms Server Plugin. Digiforms Server allows combining forms, document templates, datasource and process-flows to create highly customizable web-applications or e-services with information capture, integration and distribution across a variety of hardware and software platforms.
W3C standards
Transparent xsl:fo extensions
Templates created with the Designer is based on W3C standard XSL:FO, which in turn is a combination of FO ( Formatting objects), XSLT ( xml transformations ) and XPath ( xml data selection functions ). To support interactive forms and webpages, we have extended the default XSL:FO with a set of elements, transparent to the normal XSL:FO prosessor. Digiforms Designer requires that this additional markup is present, hence cannot read XSL:FO templates created with other software.
System requirements
Windows operating system only
Digiforms Document Designer requires the following software for use
  • Operating system
    Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • PDF renderer
    Apache FOP-0.25.5 (or higher)Bundled with the Digiforms Document Designer installer
  • JAVA
    PDF preview of designed documents requires JDK version 1.3, or higher
  • PDF Reader software
    A suitable reader like Adobe Acrobat, or FoxIt Reader
Bundled software
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation for PDF production - FOP
Getting started
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