Digiforms Designer Documentation
Help by samples
Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Combine information from several xml documents
Combine external data with your xml
Selecting additional data based on relations.
Additional information can be combined into forms and documents using datasources. This enables selecting additional data based on relations Use datasources to retrieve correct billing address for Invoices, populate selectable items in dropdowns in web user interfaces, or create advanced custom controls combining xslt with controls, text and images.
Convenience data sources
Common data for most applications
Digiforms Server includes a set of convenience datasources that makes commons tasks as getting date and time, calendars, numerical series or aplhabetical indexes easier. Convenience datasources are implemented using Java Server Pages, utilizing standard Java libraries like YodaTime, returning various information as XML. To extend you system further, you could develop your own datasources by modifying the existing .jsp's or add your own.
Document context
Working with more than one document needs specific addressing
When using datasources, this causes information to be evaluated from more than one document. In particular, it is important to notice that form data needs to be adressed specifically when working withing context of datasource document. Digiforms allows mechanisms to overcome this problem. Read more in the related article:
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Enable automation of page navigation based on dynamic page titles, custom validation output and more
Including XML data