Digiforms Designer Documentation
Help by samples
Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Printing a document
Apache FOP
Printing locally
Generate PDF and print / preview using Adobe Reader or compatible PDF viewer.
To generate a PDF file locally, click the PRINTER icon
Click the printer icon to generate PDF document
Print document dialogue
General settings in the print dialog
File settings
XML input file and target document
If you want to merge XML data with your document template, simply browse the selected .xml file - or use drop down to access previously used xml files. If this is a simple document without any data to be utilized, select "Auto generate" from the XML source data drop down.
Controlling source and result files
FOP settings
Using bundled or newer version of FOP
Digiforms Designer comes bundled with FOP 0.20.5. If you have downloaded a later version, ex. FOP 0.95 you can browse to installation folder and specify location of the fop.bat file.
Configuring fop path and custom config
Clicking the "preview" button will start fop.bat. Once finished - the resulting PDF will be opened in the system default PDF application.
Read more in following related topics
Supported fonts when creating PDF files