Digiforms Designer Documentation
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Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Process Engine Attributes
Accessing process parameters when rendering a page
You can access any parameters set for the current process. Let's say you've started a process with a specific article ID, and you want to retrieve information regarding the identified article when page is loaded.
All process parameters will be added to an internal xmlCache when a process-flow is loaded or navigated. To access this information, use the $digiforms:processAttributes prefix.
<process> <name> current process flow name </name> <parameters> <parameter name="param_name" value=""/> <parameter name="param_name2" value=""/> <parameters> </process>
Process attributes xml structure
Sample use: Getting a specific parameter from process engine
If you want to retrieve a specific process parameter value, you can query or evaluate content of process attributes using XPath:
<xsl:if test="$digiforms:processAttributes/process/parameters/parameter[@name='articleId']/@value != ''"> add content or code </xsl:if>
You can also use a more compact XPath expression:
<xsl:if test="$digiforms:processAttributes//parameter[@name='articleId']/@value != ''"> add content or code </xsl:if>
From version 6.0 of Digiforms Server, following shortform parameter value is possible:
<xsl:if test="$digiforms:processParam/name"> add content or code </xsl:if>
Sample use: Getting name of currently running process
If you want to retrieve the currently running process-flow's name, you can query if from process attributes using XPath:
<xsl:value-of select="$digiforms:processAttributes/process/name"/>