Digiforms Designer Documentation
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Capture or output data in a defined layout
Extensible Markup Language
Organizing information and layout
Tables are practical for displaying grouped information, generating lists and for defining layout.
  • To add a table to the page design
    Click the table icon from the "Select / Insert" menu
  • Selecting table dimensions
    A popup-menu allows you to select the number of ROWS and COLUMNS for the new table
  • If you want a table with more rows or columns than defined by the popup-menu
    Click and hold left button while moving mouse. Dialog will expand to desired dimensions.
Insert a table from the "Select / Insert menu"
Navigating table objects
Arrow keys
All designed Objects in a template can be navigated in their hierarchical structure using the arrow keys. This allow navigating through table, table/rows or repeats and table cells.
  • Up arrow
    Selects the parent object, eg. table row when a cell is selected, or the table when row selected
  • Lef arrow & Right arrow
    Selects previous sibling object, e.g.. neighboring table cell
  • Down arrow
    Select first child or next sibling object.
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