When iterating document data, and merging values from a datasource by relation, it demands using variables in the Xpath expressions to match values.
The reason is that when retrieveing data from a datasource, we switch document context.
A lookup would be a construction similar to this:
// Current context is document data
<xsl:for-each select="item">
// Defining the binding variable
<xsl:variable name="match" select="{the_element_or_attribute_value_to_match_from_current_context}"></xsl:variable>
// Selecting from datasource (switching document), matching must be made using the $bind variable
<xsl:value-of select="$datasource//element[@id=$match]"></xsl:value>
When iterating data from a datasource, with the intent to update or display or manipulate releated information in the document data (form data), the problem is similar.
Consider the following example:
<!-- XML Document ( form data ) -->
<!-- Representing one ore more timesheet(s) -->
<timesheet customer_id="1236">
<!-- XML datasource ( customers ) -->
<customer id="1236">
If we iterate a datasource "customers", and the want to output information from corresponding timesheet data in document, we must explicitly tell the Digiforms Xpath processor that we are breaking out of the datasource document context.
<xsl:for-each select="$customers/doc/customers/customer">
<xsl:variable name="$bind" select="@id"></xsl:variable>
<!-- Using the $digiforms:documentData prefix to change context back to document data -->
<xsl:value-of select="$digiforms:documentData//timesheet[@customer_id = $bind]/..."></xsl:value>