Digiforms Server Documentation
Digiforms Server
About this software
Digiforms Server is a powerful web-application framework, capable of publishing and capturing XML-based information. It is very versatile and configurable. It allows you to combine flexible functions to establish
  • Automated document production
  • HTML forms / Webapplications
  • MAIL distribution
  • WEB Pages
Integrate using JAVA
Plugin architecture
Digiforms integrates EASILY with any system. Run custom business code with the Digiforms Java Plugin architecture. Read or write information from existing systems, connect with any storage.
Digiforms Designer
Development Suite
Document templates can be used for web-based data capture utilizing the DIGIFORMS Server. This allows for creating simple web-forms, wizards or even complex web-applications.
The designer allows you to connect directly to one or several Digiforms Server installations, develop and maintain your system on the fly, no need for compilation or restarts. Fine tune any portion of the design while testing and developing - effective and cost saving.
What is Digiforms Solution
XML-driven Documents, Forms and Web applications
Digiforms Solution contains two products, Digiforms Document Designer for Windows, and the JAVAEE Digiforms Server. In this documentation we will often refer to them as just 'Designer' or 'Server'. While the Designer program creates print, mail or form layout, the Server allows combining forms, document templates and processes to create highly customizable web-applications or e-services with information capture, integration and distribution across a variety of hardware and software platforms.
W3C standards
Transparent xsl:fo extensions
Templates created with the Designer is based on W3C standard XSL:FO, which in turn is a combination of FO ( Formatting objects), XSLT ( xml transformations ) and XPath ( xml data selection functions ). To support interactive forms and webpages, we have extended the default XSL:FO with a set of elements, transparent to the normal XSL:FO prosessor. Digiforms Designer requires that this additional markup is present, hence cannot read XSL:FO templates created with other software.
System requirements
JAVA Application Server, SQLDB access
Digiforms Server requires the following software to be installed
  • Operating system
    Windows Server / Linux
  • Java EE Application server
    Apache Tomcat
  • JAVA / JDK / JRE
    version 1.7 or higher
  • Access to SQL Database for document repository
    - MS SQL- Oracle- MySQL
Bundled software
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation for PDF production - FOP